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Screen Plays

Dieter has had the opportunity to study at the Australian Film Television and Radio School, Metro Screen and now at the University of Technology Sydney. 


Timeless Sydney -  27/5/14


Watch the evolution of clothing, technology and design through Sydney in this video, as part of a university project. 

Safer Sydney - 7/3/14


The impact of a cowards punch reverberates beyond the victim and perpetrator and into the lives of family and friends. We created this to promote a better youth drinking culture.

The Twist -  6/7/13


There’s a famous quote about lying. Oh what I wicked web we weave, when we endeavour to deceive. I always loved Shakespeare, such a good storyteller, but as we know now, he never wrote every single word or did he? They say “dead men tell no tales” but I have a story for you.......

The "C" word - 27/8/2012 


Some words are just taboo, as they bring fear or shock when they are heard, like the "c" word.

"Are you ok" - 24/1/12


Dieter is studying Film as part of his IB. Here is the first team production...”are you ok?” about exam pressure

Locked In - 15/1/12


“Locked In” is a tragic love story....loves never dies

Uncharted Territory - 16/1/11


“Uncharted Territory” is about human insecurities when they meet someone they like......falling in love is a tricky business!

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