Dangerous ideas
St James Ethics Centre is a fully independent, non-for-profit organisation which provides a non judgmental forum for the promotion and exploration of ethics. The Ethics Centre's mission is to encourage and assist individuals and organisations to include the ethical dimension in their daily lives, and thereby help to create a better world.
FODI Dangerous Ideas 2013 - 17/6/14
Are we really a Dangerous Idea?
FODI VOCS POPS 2012 - 1/11/12
At the Sydney opera house, festival of dangerous ideas 2012. We asked the audience members again the year what makes an idea dangerous and what is their most dangerous idea.
FODI - Israel, Ilan Pappé - 23/7/12
At the 2012 Festival of Dangerous Idea, Liam asked Ilan Pappé "how has his own views effected his faith".
Designer Babies - 18/7/2012
Mediacl science promises a future in which it will be possible to prevent children being born with many of the diseases that currently afflict humanity. Are 'designr babies a boon to humankind the product of human ingenuity applied for the common good?
China Debate - 31/7/12
"A the dominance of the West is overtaken by a newly assertive China, will it cause geo political instability?"
Same Sex Marriage? - 30/5/12
Why risk dividing the community for the sake of what may amount to nothing more than symbolism? Or are symbols precisely the kind of thing with fighting for?" - St James Ethics Centre.
FODI Dangerous? - 1/10/11
The Festival of Dangerous Ideas is an annual event in which taboo topics and contraversial ideas are debated. This year we decided to ask people and speakers, "When does a dangerous idea become dangerous?... To us a dangerous idea becomes dangerous, when it moves from theory, into practice.
FODI Michael Kirby - 1/10/11
Michael Kirby a retired High Court of Australia in 2009 as Australia longest serving judge. He is an active and eminent contributor to the legal community in Australia and overseas and recently became a patron of Voiceless. Here is our interview with him.
FODI Alexander McCall Smith - 2/10/11
“Society is broken”. We asked him if he thought social decay is a result of too much freedom?
Farmers vs Miners - 21/8/12
As the need for food security intensifies, is it time to grant farmers new legal entitlement to control access to their land? Would this serve the public interest-with famers acting as stewards of the public good? Or would this simply allow farmers to enrich themselves trading public goods for their private interest?" - St James Ethics Centre
China Debate Vox Pop - 30/7/12
Here is what the audience of the St James Ethics Centre debate about China had to say about China, and if they feared China becoming more powerful.
Same Sex Marriage? Voices- 30/5/12
Before the IQ2 debate at the St. James Ethics Centre, we asked the audience what they thought of gay marriage... here is why they said..
FODI No Morals - 1/10/11
This year we decided to ask people and speakers, "Does the media have morals?... to us morals of the media is dictated by those who consumer it.
FODI Marc Thiessen - 2/10/11
We have interviewed Marc Thiessen who is an author, columnist and political commentator, who served as a speechwriter for President George W. Bush. His controversial best-seller, Courting Disaster, he defends the use of enhanced interrogation techniques such as waterboarding.
Athiests Debate - 6/10/11
"Ar Atheists Wrong? " - St James Ethics Centre
Famers vs Miners Vox Pop - 21/8/12
Here is what the public thinks fo the dabate Famers vs Miners.
Nuclear Debate - 26/6/12
Given our vast reserves of uranium, our stable political economy and isolation does Australia have an obligation to embrace nuclear power?" St James Ethics Centre.
Democracy Debate - 11/10/11
As the challenges facing the Earth grow in scope and complexity, there is a nagging concern that the world's democracies will fail to respond as they should.
FODI Kate Adie - 1/10/11
We have interviewed Kate Adie, author and journalist, who was Chief News Correspondent to the BBC, and reported from war zones around the world. She is now a freelance journalist and successful writer. Here is her interview where she speaks about journalism.
FODI Philip Nitscke - 2/10/11
Philip Nitschke the founder and Director of Exit International, a leading Voluntary Euthanasia and end-of-life choices advocacy organisation. At the festival he spoke about his book which has been banned in his presentation “Too dangerous to read”. Our Grandfather chose to die, so for us this was a very personal interview.
10 years after 911 - 11/9/2011
The Youth Support Network Auburn, invites you to hear the voice of young people discuss how their lives have changed since the bombing of the World Trade Centre ten years ago. The event is moderated by journalist Peter Manning.
Festival of Dangerous Ideas - 25/8/10
Dangerous Ideas at the Sydney Opera House is an annual event where people express their opinions about todays social issue that will effect both me and you.
The debate was " If you want peace forget justice". Dieter and I interviewed the panel, Andrea Durbach, Eric Kaufmann, Graham Blewitt and Stuart Rees.
There are also interviews with the author of Wired For War, PW Singer and phycologist Steve Biddulph.